This post is late, but everything else about this week was early.
The optimism around the Florida vs. Texas A&M game was premature. The tailgate started before noon. The text came in the wee hours of the morning. The baby was early.
Four weeks early.
Many texts received at 4am are met with mixed emotions. A text informing you that your sister is in labor at 36 weeks - while on vacation more than 800 miles away from home - is one of those.
The good news: She's nearby! I'll get to meet the baby right away!
The scary part: Everything else.
I've missed having my sister in the same state. It's been several years since she's been just a car ride away. (I guess that's technically not true, but a 15-hour car ride is NOT a car ride. It's hell.) Getting to meet the little one when he was just a few hours old was amazing.
Thankfully, everything is fine. The baby is healthy. Mom is healthy. Big sister is THRILLED. I had taken a few days off to spend time with my sister, her husband and their toddler. Little did I know, another little person would be in the mix.
It all worked out, and I'm incredibly thankful for that.
But that's my excuse for missing my Tuesday publishing goal. I was a little busy meeting my first nephew.