Quarantine Journal: Week 4

I'm keeping a daily journal while we're stuck in quarantine. To check out previous entries, click below!

Week 1: March 18th-24th
Week 2: March 25th-31st
Week 3: April 1st-7th

Week. Four. Week FOUR. I cannot even believe we're entering week four of this madness. I feel like I need to take a minute to pat myself on the back because:

  1. I have worked out every day of this quarantine. In fact, I am on day 32 of my at-least-one-workout-a-day streak, and I am not at all bitter that I haven't lost any weight in the process. I have also closed my move, calorie and workout rings every day since March 22nd. (I am now addicted to closing rings. Thanks, Apple Watch.)
  2. Overall, I've been in a really good mood through all of this. Eating better, getting outside more, spending more time with the dogs and the chickens. I have only cried three times so far: twice because of finances and once because some guy on Facebook called democrats liars. (If Tomi Lahren or however the hell you spell it is reading this, she's probably calling me a snowflake right now. Well, I have something for you Tomi:)

I realize that crying over someone who supports DONALD TRUMP calling my people a liar is stupid, but I was really tired, and I also am just really over people attacking the media and doctors and any person who dares to take this GLOBAL PANDEMIC seriously. First it was, "It's no big deal. This is all just about destroying the economy right before the election." And now it's, "I mean, yeah, people are dying and whatever, but this is all just so overhyped by the LaMeStReAm MeDiA."

Let me emphasize this: This is not a situation that can be overhyped. I can assure you, no matter how much we to do, no matter how much information is shared, this whole thing will never fully reach the hype it deserves. What is going on is a big effing deal, and we all need to be informed. COVID-19 was not invented as a means of destroying Trump's chances to win the next election. It just HAPPENED, and now we all have to do our part to stop it.


Day 22: Wednesday, April 8th

Check out this fashionable mask my mom made for me! (I smiled for this pic.)

I busted out of the house today to grab a few things from CVS. I sat in the parking lot for a minute debating whether or not to wear my mask. (It just feels so weird, even though I know it's the right thing to do.) Then I noticed every single person walking in and out of CVS had one on, so I decided to debut mine.

For lunch, we made our first Purple Carrot meal: Penne Mushroom Florentine with Chickpea Pasta and Toasted Walnuts. It. Was. Delicious. And super easy! I can't wait to make the other two. It's kind of nice to take a break from our usual go-to meals while we're stuck cooking at home. If you're looking to shake things up, check it out. You get a discount on your first box. We got two servings of three meals for less than $50. (And then I canceled the membership because it gets super expensive from there.)

Not much else to report. See ya tomorrow!

Day 23: Thursday, April 9th

Obviously was very excited about this pizza. Couldn't even grab a pic before taking a bite.

Today we cleaned out our bedroom and bathroom, and in the process, I found...

...my old hair extensions! I put them on (giggling the whole time) and walked out to show Sean, and he said, "You look like Joe Dirt." So, let's take a poll, shall we? Who looks more like Joe Dirt right now?

That's what I thought.

Anyway, I had a couple conference calls today. One was spent talking about Netflix and passing show recommendations back and forth, and the other was spent talking about stocks and makeup tutorials. I think at this point, our vendors are just keeping our regular calls on the calendar so we can all have some human interaction here and there.

In between calls, I made a trip to Publix. (I feel like I keep saying "one last trip," but then I need to go back for something. I am the worst at this whole planning thing.) And while I was there, I picked up some coffee so I could make Dalgona coffee! This stuff has been following me all over Instagram, and I decided it was time for me to try it. Verdict: It's delicious. But it has a lot of sugar. 6/10 will enjoy in moderation.

This evening, I drove to Sarasota to get two very important things: 1) takeout from the pizza truck we used for our wedding, and 2) delicious beer from Jdubs Brewing Company.

Sean and I didn't realize that porters don't hold up well in crowlers, so we ordered five. The brewery was nice enough to give us five six-packs instead, which means we got 360 ounces of beer for the price of 160. If anyone wants some beer, we have 30 cans in our LaCroix fridge!

Overall, it was a pretty good day.

Day 24: Friday, April 10th

Today marks one year since I last held Bailey. ❤️

The return of Game Night Fridays

This morning, we took the dogs for a walk and then came home and started Alli's LAST DAY OF ANTIBIOTICS. 🙌 Thank. God. (She used to be very good at taking pills, but now that she's missing quite a few teeth, we have to do the shove method, and it's a slobbery mess. Bless her sweet heart.)

Then we FaceTimed Sean's parents to see if they were willing to trade some paper towels in exchange for some beer (since, you know, we have a freakin' brewery going on over here). Sean actually ended up finding paper towels at Detwilers (along with some blue cheese olives!!!!). I fell even more in love with him today. Blue cheese olives are my love language. Dirty martinis, here I come.

I was really looking forward to getting back into soap operas now that we've got all this time on our hands. Totally didn't think about the fact that they've had to halt production to keep everyone safe and healthy. I was super confused when I went to play Y&R on DVR only to discover they're playing "Golden Oldies" right now. But don't you worry! I did some research and found out that DoOL records episodes eight months out, so they've got tons of content to get us through this quarantine. 🙌🙌🙌 I watched Friday's episode, and it was amazing. Baby swaps, forbidden love, brain surgery...everything you could ask for in a soap. I'm already in love.

Anyway, we ended the day with a couple virtual happy hours + game nights. Good times!

Day 25: Saturday, April 11th

Welcome home, my old friend.

This morning, we went for a walk, and then I spent the rest of the day in Sim Land.

Sean was trying to surprise me by buying a downloadable version, but then he realized the downloadable version doesn't work on Macs. But then I realized I still had my old CD from when I used to play in college! BAM. 2 hours later, I was playing The Sims 3. 🥳

I made Quarantine Nat and Quarantine Sean:

Peep the gym clothes + Sean's frosted tips and mustache.

Within five minutes of playing, they went on a date to see a concert and then I found them dumpster diving. What a way to end a date.

See those hearts? Sim Sean is still in love with Sim Nat even though she's swimming in garbage. ❤️

Ok, one more Sims picture, and I promise I'll stop. While I was in the middle of making Sim Nat, she pulled an eggplant out of her pocket and started eating it like an apple.

Ok! Moving on...

I started to feel like a big loser for playing computer games all morning, so I decided to go for a bike ride around Emerson Point. (Also, let's be real, I was trying to close my calorie and exercise rings. 🤷‍♀️)

When I got back from my bike ride, we took the dogs for a walk and came home to discover a cookie delivery! Sean's parents sent us a bunny head full of cookies - such a sweet surprise! Now we're swimming in cookies and beer, and if Sean continues to complain about losing weight no matter what he eats, I will lose it.

We ended the day with a golf cart ride. Until tomorrow!

Day 26: Sunday, April 12th

Today was great! We woke up early and did our workout first thing in the morning. I had forgotten how nice it is to just get it done (and also to not workout during the hottest part of the day).

I spent the rest of the morning watching The Lion King (OG, not the one with real animals because I don't think I'm emotionally stable enough for that right now). Gotta be honest...Simba is kind of an entitled little brat. That doesn't excuse Scar's behavior, of course, and I definitely cried for Simba when Mufasa died, but still. Get it together, little cub.

Anyway, we spent the rest of the day grillin' out by the pool! The weather was perfect, and the pool was super refreshing. Sean grilled chicken for himself and a Beyond burger for me, along with pineapple and veggies on the side. I made a version of Texas toast for my bun because I am a monster.

Michelle wouldn't stop getting on the furniture, so we put a bar stool on it. Didn't work.

Happy Easter, everyone!

Day 27: Monday, April 13th

New book! Thanks, Mom!

Today I made our second Purple Carrot meal: Walnut Crusted Artichokes with Dijon Lentils and Green Beans. It was...ok. Not my favorite, but Sean liked it. To spice things up a little bit, I shattered a casserole dish while I was cooking. It made the whole meal prep process way more fun and added a little adrenaline rush. Are there still tiny shards of glass throughout the kitchen? Will I step on one and begin bleeding profusely? Who knows?

My mom dropped off a new book for me to read, which I'm pretty excited about! Planning to crack it open this week to offset some of this screen time I've been putting in. 🙃

We took the dogs for a "galavant." (They know the word "walk," so we started calling it a "stroll," but then Alli learned that one too. So for now, it's a "galavant.")

We finished the evening with Jeopardy! College Championship. Our Gator girl did a great job and ultimately placed second. Sad to see her go, but proud of her for making it to the semifinals! GO GATORS!

Man, we're not going to get football this year, are we?

Day 28: Tuesday, April 14th

Before I even got out of bed this morning, Sean went for a three-mile run, cleaned the kitchen and took out the trash.

But that didn't keep me from being like, "Sooo, are you going to comment on the fact that I made the bed this morning?"

The whole day kind of went downhill from there. No pic today. No recap. See ya tomorrow. ✌️


Some HIMYM Shade


Quarantine Journal: Week 3