Five Years Married
I can’t believe it’s been five years since this beautiful day. A few years ago, I started a tradition where I write one thing I learned about marriage in the past year. You can revisit those posts here:
This gets harder with time because we’re pretty much pros at this whole marriage thing and already know everything there is to know now that we’ve been married for five years (kidding), but let’s give it a go for year five.
Everything will be ok.
Ok, so this one isn’t necessarily marriage-specific, but we’ve been through a lot of change in the past year, and this has kind of been my mantra through it all. I used to stress SO much about our future and how we would ever be in a position financially and mentally to start a family. I worried so much about Kane and whether we were giving him everything he deserves given we were away at work 40 hours a week (longer when you count the commute). I was obsessed with his health and whether he’d ever fully recover from heartworm disease.
Fast forward to the present: We sold our home at the height of the market, found a reasonably priced home in Nashville, both work remotely (AKA get to spend more time with Kane), and Kane has a blast running around and wrestling with his friends at daycare and the dog park.
When I think about how much time and energy I’ve spent stressing about things that ultimately all worked out, it’s the perfect reminder to just chill TF out and trust the process. I find myself doing the same thing with my to-do lists and work. I get so worked up and think everything has to be taken care of RIGHT NOW, and it really just…doesn’t.
So anyway, that’s my takeaway for year five. What is meant to be will be, everything will be ok, it will all work out, chill TF out, stop and smell the roses, etc.