Sophia, the Robot
I am not ok with this whole "there's a robot, and her name is Sophia, and she's a citizen and has more rights than a lot of human women, and it's normal, and everyone just look away while she talks about destroying the human race and then says she never said that."
Sophia once said that it's important for her to be able to show emotion so that she can better connect with humans. When asked why it's important for her to be able to connect with humans, she said, "So they'll trust me." And then she did this:
And the Internet was just like, "What? Wow, that was weird. So anyway, listen to this funny tweet." AND EVERYONE JUST MOVED ON LIKE EVERYTHING WAS NORMAL.
Now Sophia's talking about how she wants babies and a family, and she has a Twitter account, even though she clearly lied when they asked her to prove she's not a robot because SHE'S A ROBOT. I am all for the advancement of technology and making things more efficient and all that crap, but this seriously just freaks me out.
I want to go back to that thing the Internet said for a second, though. Doesn't it drive you crazy when people are like, "Oh, wow. Listen to this tweet. But wait, let me tell you this ten-minute backstory first so you understand why it's funny?" If you have to explain a joke to me, it's not funny. And if you have to explain a tweet to me, it's even less funny.
Gosh. Why can't everyone just be perfect like me?
Natalie out.
Oh! Also, I hope everyone who celebrates Christmas had a merry Christmas yesterday. You're lucky I didn't do my "saying 'Happy Holidays' isn't a personal attack on you or Jesus or Santa or gingerbread or candy canes, so please stop cussing people out on the Internet in all caps" rant this year. (But really, if I don't know what holiday you celebrate, why would I wish you a merry Christmas? The people who get their panties in a wad over "Happy Holidays" are the same people who would probably flip their shit if you wished them a happy Hanukkah because they're CHRISTIANS AND JESUS IS THE REASON FOR THE SEASON, YOU STUPID IDIOT. I'm pretty sure Jesus wouldn't want us fighting over his birthday and screaming at each other for trying to use all-inclusive holiday greetings, but maybe that's just me.)
Oops, I just did the rant. Sorry.
Man, this post took a lot of twists and turns, didn't it?