A Hot Mess

What day is it? Where am I? Why the hell is “spring forward” still a thing? (Oh, hi, I’m not actually writing this on February 13th. It’s March 14th (aka Pi Day!), and I am behind on the ole blog posts.)

In my defense, I’ve been without Internet (and also homeless) for a little while. I’ve also been very busy googling, “Which towels are the best?” because I am DETERMINED to find better towels than the crap we’re currently using....I should back up.

We sold our house! And bought a new one! Not on the same day! (That’s what I meant when I said we were homeless for a little bit.)

I’ve got clothes here and there, furniture all over the damn town, chickens in every area code and a whole lot of greasy hair. What I don’t have is nice towels and a washer and dryer. (Oops, probably should have read that contract, huh?)

So I’m going to go on this little blogging marathon where I fill in all of the missing weeks, and then we’ll try to get our shit together and keep it together for the rest of the year (at least) so I don’t totally fail at this whole new year’s resolution thing. Sound good?

For today’s filler, I have to take a minute to brag because this morning I was a grown-up. Allow me to set the scene…It’s 7:15am (but it feels like 6:15am). I’m still in bed (when I’m supposed to be walking out the door in five minutes). I don’t know where any of my clean clothes are, and the ones I can locate are wrinkly as hell.

(I know. Not off to a great start. Stick with me here.)

I finally get it together and get out the door with Bailey in tow when I realize something: I can’t find my keys.

I’m a key hook girl. I like to have a key hook by the front door where I can leave my keys when I come in and grab them on the way out. But since we moved, we haven’t hung up our key hook yet, so instead I placed them on the piano bench (Why didn’t I just put them in my purse? I don’t know.), but they weren’t there.

After searching the house with no luck, I realized I had a few options:

  1. Cry. Call in (mentally) sick. Stay home and unpack until I find them.

  2. Walk to work. Get there by lunch.

  3. Take an Uber.

I was on the verge of executing plan #1 when it dawned on me: I have a spare key! And lots of extra house keys!

So I drove to work with my spare key (which is actually technically the original, but the battery was low, and I was too lazy to replace it) and my extra house key, and I didn’t cry or call in sick.

Because I am a grown-up.




Rude Inanimate Objects