A Look at the Last Decade

2020. New decade, same shit stain living in the White House. I’ve seen a lot of people doing a decade recap, and I’ve seen a lot of other people complaining about the people doing a decade recap, and I decided I wanted to get in on the fun! 

So here we go. A look back at the last ten years. (I did this by skimming my Facebook photos because I have recently downgraded my memory bank to that of a goldfish. I’m sorry if I’ve missed any significant events in this very thrown-together list.)

2010: Attended the Rally to Restore Sanity with Erica


This was a fun trip! I’m all for sanity, but I decided to join Team Colbert and support the March to Keep Fear Alive. We had a great time exploring D.C. and reading all the hilarious signs, and then we went back to our hotel room to watch the Florida-Georgia game. I accidentally drugged Erica gave her a higher dose of allergy medicine than she could handle, and as a result, had to very quietly run around the room cheering so as not to wake my drugged-up passed-out sister as I celebrated Chaz Henry getting hoisted onto the team’s shoulders. Sorry, cheesy.

2011: Gained a Brother

My parents accidentally had another baby! Just kidding. My sister got married in 2011, which means I got to welcome a new bro to the fam! He knows a lot about wine, brews his own beer, and he’s hilarious – the perfect fit. (Oh, and he’s also a great husband to my sister and father to my niece and nephew, blah blah blah.) Love you, Ryan!


I also feel the need to mention that I went to my first away game in 2011 to watch Auburn and Florida duke it out for the title of "worst offense." The Auburn fans were so nice, it was almost not fun to be around them. “We hope y’all win!” We’re playing you guys.


2012: Landed my First Internship

This entire year is kind of a blur because I turned 21, and all my classes were online, but I am super proud of the internship I landed! I drove to 22squared’s Atlanta HQ for an open house and ultimately landed a gig at their Tampa office. I learned a lot, including a lesson called “Do not go out on work nights.” (A mistake you only have to make once.)


2013: Graduated from UF and Started Dating my Husband

In March, Sean went from my BFF to BF, just in time for my “I’m graduating and entering real life and have to find a job” meltdowns. He was a champ who helped me through all that, and then I put him through it again when I got a job in Bradenton and had to leave Gainesville. I would cry any time I looked at him because I was SO UPSET it took us so long to get together and NOW WE HAVE TO BE IN A LONG-DISTANCE RELATIONSHIP. (Hey, look. It all worked out. Calm TF down, you drama queen.)


2014: Bought my First House, Became Sean’s Roommate/Landlord and Went to California


In the spring, I was walking my rent check out to the mailbox when it dawned on me: Why am I paying someone else’s mortgage? And then I realized, Oh, it’s because I’m broke. But I bought a house that summer anyway.


And then Sean graduated, went sailing for a couple months, and then moved in with me when he got home. And we’ve been roomz ever since!


That fall, we went on a trip to California with the whoooole fam + our second fam, and Sean and I forgot we’re broke and joined a bunch of wine clubs. 


2015: Went to Chicago Twice in One Month and Became an Aunt

Sean and I made plans to go to Chicago for summer vacay before finding out his family who lives in Chicago was having a huge shindig a couple weeks later. So we went twice! One of the fun-nest places I’ve ever Bean to. (See what I did there?)


Later that year, sweet little Iris was born! My sister was so desperate to get out of handing out Halloween candy that she decided to go into labor. Alli the dog was stoked because Iris’ original due date was also her birthday. And a boxer queen don’t share no birthday.


2016: Gained a Sister, Got Engaged and Gained Another Niece


Austin got married! To a really cool girl! Tara (not Tara) joined the fam in January 2016, and we love her a lot. She has quickly become one of my BFFs even though she is super old. (Just kidding, T Mulah.)

I think Sean really enjoyed their wedding because he proposed to me just a few months later! We got engaged on July 1, 2016, one of the best days of my life.

Erica Hurlburt Photography

Kéra Photography

Later that year (on the same day we were having a tacky sweater party at work), Emma was born. New niece, who dis?


2017: Got Married, Evacuated for a Hurricane and Gained a Nephew

On February 18, 2017, Sean and I got married in my parents’ backyard. It. Was. Perfect. More on that here.

Kéra Photography

Several months later, we evacuated for a hurricane. (Honestly, can’t even remember which one this was because there have been so many.) It was so bad, we were sure we were going to lose our house, but we were very fortunate it took a turn and missed us. All we lost was power for a few days and our fridge.


Not pictured: Michelle in a dog crate in the backseat.

About a month later, we went to Gainesville with the whole fam damn for the UF-TAMU game. Sean parked super far from campus, and then Erica went into labor two days later, but no one blames Sean for Miles’ early arrival. :)


Look how cute he is! I don’t think anyone’s bummed to have gotten him a month earlier than he was supposed to arrive.

2018: Sold a House, Went to Cuba, and Bought a House

I’m not an oxford comma girl, but I felt like this headline needed one because otherwise it looks like we bought a house in Cuba. Which is not what happened.

We loved our first house but decided it was time for a change of scenery. We listed it in January and were lucky to sell it quickly!


Then we went to Cuba to celebrate our first anniversary! Because why not?


Shortly after we got home, we moved into our new house on Snead Island, and we. Are. Smitten. We love our house and also hate moving, so we will probably die here.


2019: Gained Another Niece, Said Goodbye to Bailey, and Went to Japan

2019 started with a new niece: Mila! Her parents lovingly refer to her as the chaos coordinator, and she crawls like I did when I was a baby, so I think we’ll keep her. She’s pretty neat.


In the spring, we made the difficult choice to say goodbye to Bailey. Thanks for letting me be your mom for 16 years, B.


That summer, we traveled to Japan to visit my sister, eat a ton of food, and bow. A lot. (If you ever get the chance to go to Japan, do it! More on that here.


Overall, it was an eventful decade filled with fun, love, loss, family and friendship. To the 20s, we go!


Review: You - Season 2, Episode 7 "Ex-istential Crisis"


Review: You - Season 2, Episode 6 "Farewell, My Bunny"