Review: You - Season 2, Episode 6 "Farewell, My Bunny"
I messed up.
I was doing so well. I'd watch an episode, and I wouldn't let myself watch the next one until I finished writing my recap/commentary/whatever you want to call this. And then it got good. It got so good! I couldn't help it.
I binged episodes 6-10, and I officially know how this season ends. I'm going to try my hardest to stick to my notes and write from the mindset I had while I was watching each episode, but I can't promise there won't be bias based on what I now know.
I'm sorry, my three recap readers. I have failed you!
Let's get to episode 6...
Hey, it's Kathy Griffin! What are you doing here? Was this Henderson guy really that big of a star that he was able to get you to deliver his eulogy? Cool.
Will is practically salivating at the thought of killing Candace. Dude is thirsty for chick-who-turned-him-down blood. Meanwhile, Forty is trying to get her to move in with him. Chick's been living in an Airbnb this whole time? Where do these people get all their money? I just had to move money from my savings account to buy BOGO salad in a bag. (Not a joke.)
Love's friend group is flipping their shit because Lucy just found the third totem? There are seven, and apparently two women wearing the same dress is number three? This is giving me major HIMYM vibes. That episode where they say you're not a real New Yorker until you perform certain tasks, like crying in a subway. Anyone? Just me? Cool.
Love has a flashback, and - I'm sorry to keep comparing this poor actor to other actors, but - homegirl looks like she just stepped out of The Notebook with those bangs. Rachel McAdams in the house!
Will has the kind of job where he can just leave in the middle of the workday to tail his ex to her Airbnb, so he decides to go ahead and do that.
This is where my memory gets hazy. My notes say, "Delilah burns her hand, and it's bisexual pescatarian week at the bookstore." I don't understand why those are lumped together, but I do recall Delilah grabbing her straightener or wand or whatever thinking it's her brush, and MAAAAAN THAT HAS TO HURT.
The Airbnb is nice. I don't understand how Candace can afford this thing.
Oh, snap! Will is late picking up Love for donuts. She's pissed. I would be too. If we make a donut date, you better keep it. Donut mess around with donut dates.
When Will shows up like eight hours late for their donut date, he finds Love talking to a PD. Homegirl is serious about her donuts. Oh, wait. She's having the PD look into Amy/Candace, not Will! Will not-so-subtly calls out Love for being entitled and rich and...she brushes some egg on his face.
Back at Will's apartment, Candace has found a way to charm Delilah into breaking into Will's place. I've never been to landlord school, but I'm pretty sure this is breaking some kind of law. While Delilah is looking for the make-believe earring Candace left in Will's room, Candace steps in and unlocks a window so she can come back later.
Outside, the PD saw it all.
Ellie comes over to Will's later and is like, "Good for you getting that side poon, Will!" And he realizes Candace has been at his place. (In my notes, I called her "the ginger vampire?" That seems harsh. I don't remember why.) Will texts Forty to see if Candace is with him. She's not because she has a UTI. Sucks to be Candace.
Will heads to her Airbnb thinking it'll be empty, aaaaaand he gets knocked out. Go, Candace, go! Oh, wait. It's not Candace. Candace is currently breaking into Will's place via the window she unlocked earlier.
But she's not alone either! There's Love waiting for her. Candace tells her everything, and I write in my notes, "OMG, is this really happening? It's too soon!"
Back at Candace's, the girl attacking Will is the homeowner, and she looks super familiar. I'm pretty sure I've seen other shows she's in, but I can't seem to find her on IMDB. Please help. Anyway, Will pretends like it's some weird role playing thing and eventually gets set free.
Will returns home to find Love has cooked him cinnamon rolls - aww! Oh, but instead of sugar she used salt because homegirl is PISSED. "Sucks being lied to, doesn't it?"
Will comes clean-ish. So now Love knows that Candace and Will dated, and that Will's name isn't actually Will. It's Joe Goldberg. Love dumps him, but Forty and Love decide that Joe can still work at Anavrin. He will just have to go back to loving Love from a distance.
On his way home, he stops at Delilah's. They bang, and then he tells her she should tell her story. She's like, "Did you seriously just mansplain AND patronize me in the same sentence? Thanks for the D. Bye."