Review: You - Season 2, Episode 8 "Fear & Loathing in Beverly Hills"

I don’t want to recap this episode. It was a total mindfuck just to watch it, and I am exhausted at the thought of even trying to remember everything that went down. But here we go…

Bless Delilah’s heart. She’s stuck in the glass cage and is begging Joe to let her out. She promises she won’t tell anyone and that he can trust her, but unfortunately, Joe isn’t stupid.

Delilah’s special friend calls, and Joe lets her answer it as a way of proving her trustworthiness. She passes the test, so Joe agrees to set her free and run away to Mexico, but first he has to take care of some things. He throws some time-release handcuffs on her and opens the glass cage door so she can leave on her own in 16 hours once he’s made it to Mexico.

Question: Are these time-release handcuffs a real thing? And if so, what do normal people use them for? I’m searching for them on Amazon out of curiosity, but all I see is a bunch of…other handcuffs. Sean will probably get served a bunch of freaky ads now because we share an Amazon account. Oops.

Side note: I really wish that Amazon sold time-release handcuffs because I can only imagine the type of questions you’d run across on the Q&A section of the product page. (If you aren’t someone who finds entertainment by reading Q&As on Amazon, please tell me, what do you do with your time??)

Back in the You-niverse (sorry), Love, Sunset and Lucy discuss Joe, and Love says that she misses him. She decides she’s going to go after him because she wants to be with him again.

As this is going on, Joe is actively slipping a, “Bye, Love. Sorry I lied about my identity and also didn’t tell you I’m a murdering freak.” letter into her locker. And then Forty arrives to ruin Joe’s plans of running away. Because that’s what he’s best at. (Another reason I think he’ll ultimately be the hero.)

Forty does the classic, “read this thing I wrote and then give me advice so I can get all defensive and yell at you about how you’re wrong” thing, and then THEY GET CAPTURED. The F? What?

Turns out Forty is a gambling addict, and he owes these dudes some money. But actually, wait. It turns out Forty is a lying fool with too much money, and he actually set this whole thing up so that they can lock themselves in a hotel room until they finish the script.

Joe is pissed he’s been kidnapped, but he’s also keeping a woman in a cage right now, soooo…

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Ellie shows up because she’s their writing assistant (which we, the audience, totally didn’t forget), and 

I am seriously still really upset about having to write this blog post. It’s like when I watched Dexter, and Sean was all, “I’ll rewatch it with you!” but then [DEXTER SPOILER ALERT IS COMING] that episode happened where the Trinity Killer (Do we capitalize his title? Does he deserve that respect?) kills someone near and dear to Dexter’s heart (trying not to make this a full-on spoiler), and Sean was like, “PEACE. Not watching this one with you.” I wish I could do that right now with this recap.

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Love finds the letter, and then her mom shows up and says she wants to work on their relationship. Hey, Love’s Mom, how about you start by asking why your daughter is balling her damn eyes out? (To be fair, she might have asked her, but I don’t remember her pushing too hard to comfort her.)

Forty finishes the script, and Joe is thrilled because that means he can get his stuff back and run away to Mexico, but then Ellie is like:

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Forty can’t handle criticism, so he jumps out the window and runs away. Joe needs Forty in order to get his passport back, so he follows him, ultimately finding him a bottle of tequila deep at some bar. 

Drunk Forty is a mess and makes me feel better about Drunk Natalie. First he reveals he’s still talking to Candace, and then he offers a bride and groom $10,000 if he can kiss the bride. I kind of judge them for taking him up on the offer, but also $10,000 is a lot of money, so maybe it’s a have-to-be-in-their-shoes situation.

Before the $10,000 kiss went down, Forty gave Joe some seltzer water, and GUESS WHAT – it was laced. Turns out, Forty slipped him four times the usual dose of LSD so they can really get the creative juices flowing and figure out this whole script thing. He writes the time on Joe’s arm so he can keep track of when he took the LSD. That’s kind of thoughtful, I guess. 

Back at dinner with Love and her mom, we discover that Love’s dad is cheating on Love’s mom…again. Apparently, this is a thing that he does, and I think that Love’s mom should pack up all the yurts and GTFO because no one deserves to be treated like that.

Love heads to the hotel where Joe and Forty are writing and tells him that she wants to get lunch together before he goes. Joe starts tripping, and everything is about to go downhill.

Joe wakes up back in the hotel room, is still tripping, and begins strangling Forty. Don’t kill Forty! I’m pretty sure he’s the hero we hate but the hero we need!

We then come across another autocorrect fail in my notes: “This episode is stressing me the tuck out.” You and me both, girl.

Joe doesn’t kill Forty, but he does leave to get some moon juice. Suddenly, there’s blood all over Joe’s hands, and he can’t tell if it’s really there or if he’s tripping during his trip. TRIP-CEPTION.

Love FaceTimes him and tells him she loves him and wants to build a life together. They decide they’ll run away together and bring Forty with them, but then Joe starts hallucinating and sees his mom. She’s telling him he hasn’t changed and that he’s going to kill Delilah and Forty. (She doesn’t mention Love, which may be a good sign for Hilary Duff’s doppelganger.)

Back at the writer’s board, Forty has had a breakthrough. Dr. Nicky didn’t kill Beck – he was framed! Forty figures this out because that au pair from his past didn’t kill herself. Forty killed her, and then his family covered it up. Guess it takes one to know one.

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Joe runs to check on Delilah before the timer runs out, and…she’s dead.



Review: You - Season 2, Episode 9 "P.I. Joe"


Review: You - Season 2, Episode 7 "Ex-istential Crisis"