Quarantine Journal: Week 2
Welp. Sounds like we're going to be home for a while, so I figured it was time to start splitting the weeks into separate posts. Here's week 2...
Day 8: Wednesday, March 25th
Deadlifts with Michelle, the cutest chicken around.
Today was a tough one.
We received some not-so-good news from our company (though we appreciate they're doing what they can to take care of us during this difficult time). I went through my usual coping process: 1) I snapped at Sean for something minor. 2) I apologized and then cried for 2.5 minutes. 3) I went into problem-solving mode. 4) I chilled the hell out and shamed myself for being sad because a lot of people have it way worse than us.
Problem-solving mode was a very productive mode for me though, I must say! Over the course of like 30 minutes, I managed to talk to Chase, Citi, Geico, Esurance, our gym, our monthly cleaning service (+ ATTEMPTED a chat with Spectrum) to find a ton of savings in our monthly bills.
Side note: this might be a super stupid question, but when did we start referring to shitty periods of time as "seasons?" I keep seeing people talking about "this season of life," and I can't help but feel like we should call a spade a spade here. COVID-19 sucks, and it is not welcome here next year. This is no season, my friends. This is just a shit time.
Anyway, Sean disappeared for a little while this evening, only to emerge from our bathroom with a mustache. I made this face:
And then was like, "Speaking of appearance changes, I'm thinking about growing my hair out for a little while," and Sean said, "I don't think you have a choice, but...cool!"
And then we went on a golf cart date to the water so we could watch the sunset.
Day 9: Thursday, March 26th (It's only day 9?)
Hello, little tomato friend!
This was a terrible idea because pretty much every day has been the same. Workout. Swim. Mai tais.
We did start to see some little sprouts pop up on a couple of our seedlings or whatever they're called!
We had a virtual happy hour with some work buddies, finished Tiger King (wild. ass. show.), FaceTimed with Erica and Ryan...not much else to report.
How is it only day 9? Not in a bad way or anything. Everything is fine, but. How? I feel like we've had at least a year's worth of changes in these nine days.
Day 10: Friday, March 27th
The last thing a mai tai sees before it dies.
It's already Friday again? This whole thing is simultaneously dragging on and flying by. It's super weird.
My stress-zit is almost completely gone, which is exciting. With that said, my eyebrows and hair are still doing their part to ensure I look like I'm going through "a season."
Today I took some online courses through Brit + Co (they're all FREE until the end of the month with promo code SELFCARE). I learned how to brew beer and also how to buy stock, neither of which is a necessary skill for me to have right now because we don't have any disposable income. But that didn't keep me from looking into $45 beer-making kits online because, wouldn't that be a fun way to pass the time?
There are some cool hand lettering courses I plan to take as well, so I'll probably start trying to sell things here pretty soon to get the money to buy a calligraphy set. I tried to buy a book on Amazon, but it was going to take a month to be delivered, so I gave up.
Now I'm going to take a shower and DO MY HAIR and put on some MAKEUP and REAL CLOTHES for the first time in 10 days, and I am PUMPED.
Day 11: Saturday, March 28th
Today is Bailey's birthday! He would have been 17 today. I spent the morning looking through old photos and videos of him, and then Sean and I went on a bike ride through Emerson Point.
I forgot to take a photo today, but this gif pretty much sums it up:
I didn't shower all day and forgot to put on deodorant. We went on an afternoon walk around the neighborhood, and Sean said, "Something smells like B.O." It was me. Between the dried bike ride sweat, fresh walk sweat and lack of deodorant, I was in a tough spot.
So I went for a swim to "freshen up!"
Also, I made a version of macaroni and cheese even though we didn't have macaroni or cheese. It was vegan-ish and VERY garlicky. I may have gone overboard on the cloves.
Sean and I have decided to treat ourselves to takeout tomorrow, and to determine which restaurant we want to get food from, we made a bracket a la March Madness. We then flipped a coin to determine the winner of each round.
My restaurant, Bird Rock, won, so naturally we're redoing it tomorrow because Sean "thought of some other restaurants we should have included."
Can Bird Rock go all the way and win out again? Stay tuned to find out!
Day 12: Sunday, March 29th
The return of the fedora
So the takeout plan was kind of a bust. We redid the bracket, and the restaurant that won wasn't open. And neither were any of the other restaurants on the list. Sundays, am I right?
Sooo, we ended up getting Five Guys.
On the way home, "Praying" by Kesha came on. I got all giddy and turned it up, and Sean silently begged me not to sing along and to PLEASE GOD refrain from performing my 2018 Grammys rant. So I obliged, for the most part, and instead did that here.
Then I finished I Am Not Ok With This. That's a...show. I'm still processing how I felt about the finale. The first season as a whole was good, but the final moments left me thinking that the series is about to take a turn I might not be interested in following.
Later that afternoon, I did one of T-Money's online workouts. It was a total body sculpt, and it was awesome! I was drenched in sweat by the end of it. I followed it up with some mat work from my girl, Tracy Anderson.
And then I went for a swim. Before bed, Sean and I watched part one of Harry Potter & The Deathly Hallows, and it has me feeling like I might want to reread all those books while we have all this time on our hands.
Day 13: Monday, March 30th
Same, girl. Same.
Sean and I have both felt kind of sluggish all day, probably due to the Five Guys feast we had yesterday.
We watched part two of Harry Potter & the Deathly Hallows! Really not much else to report...
Day 14: Tuesday, March 31st
Today was better.
We decided to go through one section of the house every other day and declutter (and deep clean). We kicked it off with the guest bed and bath + dog hallway. This door is always open, and Alli LOVES this bed, so cleaning out the room led to some pretty gnarly allergies on my part.
Even so, I powered through our workout + run, and then we did a drug deal for our parents. Just kidding. But it kind of felt like one. (My parents bought some stuff from Sean's parents, and we were the...runners? Deliver-ers?)