A COVID-19 Rant
Warning: Today was not a good day. This blog post is pretty unfocused and takes a lot of twists and turns, so buckle up if you choose to read further.
I went from blogging every day to going a full month completely silent on here. But I’m back!
Here’s one big super-duper recap for you: Set an alarm for 5am to try to work out before work, was too tired, went back to sleep, got up, went to work, came home, worked out, had a drink. Repeat every week day until the weekend.
That’s pretty much what the past five weeks have looked like.
In other news, our state is on the verge of becoming the next epicenter for COVID-19. (Again, I’m tired and in a bad mood, so stop reading here if you don’t want me to ruin your day.)
If you drove around Florida right now, you’d have no idea there’s a pandemic going on. Or that we’re a society that has learned how to read and/or follow basic directional signs, for that matter. I literally saw a post on Facebook the other day from someone bragging that she and her family “do NOT wear masks, and we PROUDLY walk the wrong way down one-way aisles at grocery stores.” (I cleaned up the grammar for you.)
She is my new sworn enemy.
I’ve found these last five weeks completely exhausting. People are outraged about having to wear masks, and their syrup bottle looking different, and dressing rooms being closed, but no one in this stupid town seems to give one shit about any of the real issues going on right now. Every time a news outlet tries to post ANYTHING even REMOTELY related to coronavirus, the comments are riddled with “yOu DiDn’T cArE wHeN pEoPlE wErE pRoTeStInG.”
Here’s the difference between people protesting and you wanting to get your hair cut or go to a bar or throw a gender reveal party: the people protesting are protesting about life-and-death matters. Black people are being murdered by police officers, and people are protesting because that is NOT OK. You, on the other hand, are defending your right to pack a bunch of people into your home (who have loads of other ways they’d rather spend their Saturday, by the way) so they can eat a bunch of pink and blue shit while they watch you shoot colorful (probably not biodegradable) litter out of a gun.
(Yes, this is targeted. Sorry.)
If you don’t want to believe the news, fine. You’re stupid, but that’s fine. All I ask is that you at least put a mask on your stupid face and use your one brain cell to follow the arrows at the grocery store. I swear, the people who call masks “muzzles” are the ones who need actual muzzles the most.
I got home from work today, and Sean said, “What do you want to do for dinner?” And I just...burst into tears. He was like:
And I laughed through my tears and was like, “I DON’T KNOW WHAT’S HAPPENING TO ME RIGHT NOOOOW.” And he was like:

And then he said, “…pizza?”
I think I’m just so overwhelmingly bewildered and discouraged by the decisions people have made over the last few months that it’s taking a toll on me. Every month, something happens, and I’m like, “They can’t top this. There’s no way.” And then they top it.
To quote Stanley:
Every day you do something stupider than you did the day before. And I think, “There’s no possible way he can top that.” But what do you do?! You find a way, dammit, to top it! You are a professional idiot!
Stanley Hudson, the voice of reason
I am literally keeping a list on my phone, but I won’t copy and paste it here. Just know it’s long, and it’s growing.
Anyway, we ended up getting pizza, and it helped a lot. Sean’s smart.