Back to the office today! It feels weird going in every other day, but it's also kind of nice to have a little slice of normalcy here and there. Bonus: It gives me the motivation to wash and do my hair and put on makeup and real clothes.
Time to blowdry my hair!
Damn, my hair is getting long. What's it been now? What's today? July 1st?! Holy moly, it has officially been five months since my last cut/color. My last appointment was on February 1st. I can't wait until this stupid pandemic is over so I can go back to the salon and chop all this hair off.
How long have I been blowdrying my hair now? It feels like an eternity. Back when I had a bob, I could get this mop dry in no time and be out the door.
Freakin' summer. I've probably lost five pounds in sweat alone this morning from having this hot blowdryer on my head. So much for that shower...
Oh, hey, here comes Sean!
Me: Sean, it is July 1st. Do you know what that means?
Sean: Yep!
Me: It means I haven't gotten my hair cut in FIVE months. Can you believe it?
Sean: Oh. You know, July 1st is special for other reasons too...
Me: Huh? Why?
Sean: You don't know?
Me: Can you please just tell me?
Sean: I'm going to let you sit with this today. It will hit you later, and you'll feel soooo silly.
Welp, it's 6am! Time to get up and meditate. I'll be quiet so as not to wake the dogs and my sweet, loving wife.
~20 minutes later~
Wow, what a great way to start my day! I took some time to clear my mind, and now I can start off on a positi--
Nat, sweating, raging: There you are! I am so over this effing heat. It's stupid hot everywhere you go. Florida in the summertime is so stupid. I don't know why I even bothered taking a shower. Look at me! I'm drenched in sweat, and my hair is nowhere near dry yet. I've been blowdrying it for like five hours. Why isn't it dry yet?! I'm so tired of this long-ass hair. Do you know what today is? It's July 1st. You know what that means?
Me: Uhh, yeah?
Nat, still sweating, still raging: It means it's been FIVE months since I last got my hair cut! And who knows when it'll actually be safe to go to a salon again...
Me: Oh, well, you know, July 1st is meaningful for other reasons too...
Nat, the worst: What? Why?
Me: You seriously don't know?
Nat, the literal worst: What is it? Some kind of obscure sports anniversary? Like, something soccer related? Is there some game on today or something?
Me: No...
Nat, just an awful human being: Something stupid with Star Wars or Star Trek or whatever?
Me: I can't believe you don't know. I am so happy right now.
Nat: Will you please just tell me? It's not some type of anniversary for us, is it?
Nat: I know it's not the date we started dating or the first time we said "I love you" or the date we got married...
2016 Natalie
WOOOO, FOUR-DAY WEEKEND! AND I get to get my hair cut today! What an exciting day. I'm so lucky that Lynn was able to squeeze in an appointment for me today, even though she was completely booked. That was such a random, pleasant surprise when my mom texted me the other day to let me know Lynn had an opening.
Ooo, and now Sean is asking me to pick out his shirt. That's fun. I'll let him pick out my outfit too.
Time to head to the salon!
Man, Lynn is really taking her time styling my hair. I don't think she's ever spent this much time on it. Man, she's in a chipper mood. What a great Friday!
Boy, was that great! Now I have new hair, and Sean and I can get started on our four-day weekend. I wonder what we'll do this weekend. I bet it will be lowkey. Surely there aren't multiple parties planned in our honor for any reason. It's not like there's anything big or life-changing coming my way...
BAM. Engaged!