2021 Holiday Card

Happy, happy holidays! Here’s a pic of our dog in the tiniest cowboy hat. You’re welcome.

And because it’s the season of giving, here’s another free of charge:

I believe Kane is thinking, “Where did I go wrong?”

 Why is Kane wearing a cowboy hat, you might wonder? Because we moved! We are the newest Nashvillains, and Kane is fully embracing the honky tonk lifestyle.

 Why Nashville? As you all know, Natalie has always aspired to be a country music star, so we moved here to pursue that dream and try to make it a reality. Just kidding. We moved here because we want to meet Taylor Swift. Kidding again. Ish.

 Sean got a new job! He accepted a position with Tractor Supply in September, and then we moved to Nashville…so that we can both work remotely from our house. (Totally not complaining—Nat has been begging to work in PJs ever since getting a taste of remote life for two months in 2020. Also, Kane is thriving! He loves having us home all day.)

 Now that we get a discount on chicken food/supplies, we decided to get rid of our chickens. We had them for Thanksgiving dinner. Kidding again! (Man, what a rollercoaster ride, huh?) The sweetest family bought our house on Snead Island and asked to keep our chickens. We were thrilled because it saved us the stress of either moving or rehoming them. Plus, the girls got to stay in the backyard they’ve come to know and love.

 2021 was hella wild. Cheers to 2022 and new beginnings. Wishing you all so much happiness in the new year. (And if you’re ever in Nashville, give us a call!) 

Nat, Sean and Cowboy Kane
(& our future BFF Taylor Swift)




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