Welcome to Nat-ville
Greetings from Nashville! We are officially one week into this thing and starting to feel a little more settled, so what better time to revive the ole blog?
Our First Week as Nashvillains
The Journey
So the drive here was actually not bad at all. I mean, don’t ask me to do it again any time soon, but I was expecting it to be way worse. It ended up taking us about 12 hours with stops. Kane was an absolute angel for about 10 hours (super impressive, especially considering he had no clue why we were in the car and whether we’d ever NOT be in a car again), and a quick stop at Publix for a brand new Nylabone helped us get through the last two hours with minimal whines.
Kane had his chin on Sean’s shoulder pretty much the entire drive.
It was also a really beautiful drive once we got past Atlanta. Maybe I just feel that way because I’m not used to mountains and colorful leaves yet, but 🤷♀️.
Also, after being in the car for 12 hours, there’s nothing more beautiful than seeing the bright lights of downtown Nashville and knowing you’ve made it.
The Weekend
Our first weekend was a lot of fun! We watched the Gators beat FSU (!!!) at a fun pub near our house in the company of some yummy mimosa flights dear friends who were in town, and Kane made a new friend (kind of).
Then Sean and I watched the never-ending Alabama game together and had multiple conversations about how crazy good Alabama is even when they’re having an average year.
The next morning, Sean said, “Man, I can’t believe I missed the Alabama game.” And I was like, “…you didn’t? We watched it together.”
As it turns out, he was asleep for most of it, and I didn’t even realize it because he is that good at sleep talking.
Sunday morning, we busted out Kane’s new winter coat and took him on a walk at a greenway near our house.
(This isn’t a muzzle. It’s a head collar, and it helps him to feel a lot less anxious on our walks.)
So many smells to smell and places to pee! He was in heaven.
We spent the rest of the day Sunday unpacking and trying to get things in order as much as possible before the week ahead. This included busting our bed out of the POD.
It was pretty amazing moving into a house that is completely furnished because it meant we could take our time unpacking, but I must say I have never been more excited to go to sleep than I was knowing we had our bed back after about a month without it. I am not built for nomad life.
I had every intention of calling 1-800-GOT-JUNK to haul off the bed we didn’t want (since most donation centers don’t take beds) until a friend told us she had just made $2k selling a couch on Facebook Marketplace. So instead, we thought, “Why not try to make a couple hundred bucks rather than paying someone to get rid of it?” Oh, I’ll tell you why not. Never again will I sell something on Facebook Marketplace. More to come on that.
The Week
Not a ton to report on our first weekdays here since we were just working from home all day. Kane pushed the boundaries of appropriate coworker behavior, and I pushed the boundaries of appropriate work-from-home attire. (At one point, I was sitting on the couch in my Gator Lounge tee and Sean’s sweatpants, and Sean walked out, looked at me disgusted, and said, “So are you just not going to get dressed anymore now that you work remotely?” I think my response of, “I’ll wash my hair Thursday. It’s not like I’ve been around anyone I have to impress” was discouraging to say the least.)
Anyway, week one can be summed up in three main storylines. (Picture me in sweatpants with greasy hair for all of these.)
Kane’s New Doctor
Kane had his annual checkup a couple weeks before we moved, and one of the vaccines he got (lepto) required a booster shot three weeks later, which was the perfect way to dip our toes in the water at his new vet, City Pets. Short and sweet appointment to see the space and meet his new doctor.
The space used to be a house, so it’s really cute and cozy inside. Feels nothing like a doctors office. They even have this cute “I believe in Petsville” mural outside, even though Kane refused to get his influencer on and pose for a pic for me.
The nurse understood Kane immediately and perfectly summed him up: “Does he go to daycare? He seems like a good time. I think if I was a dog, I would have a lot of fun playing with him.” His doctor was great too and very patient with him. I loved Kane’s Florida vet, but I did appreciate that no one at this vet gave me an unsolicited pamphlet on my way out titled “How to Make Your Dog Behave Better.”
Booster Shots
Sean and I also got booster shots this week. We had to go to separate pharmacies because we are on opposite sides of the vaccine wars (#TeamPfizer for life).
I learned an important lesson in my first week as a ✨city girl:✨ Not every business has a parking lot. All of my Gainesville training came flooding back to me when my GPS said, “turn left on Broadway,” and I literally said out loud to myself in the car, “Oh shit, there isn’t going to be parking.” Luckily, after circling the block a few times, I found a metered spot that had some time left on it, and I also had one quarter on me, but I definitely should have given myself more time.
We both felt fine for the rest of the day Wednesday, but I did fall asleep at 7:30. The next day, I thought I was adjusting to the cold weather quickly because I was sweating like crazy and it was in the 50s, but it turned out I had a fever. Other than that, we didn’t have many side effects.
Facebook Marketplace Saga
I know the suspense has been killing you, but we have finally reached the Facebook Marketplace portion of this blog post.
Let me kick this off by saying this: I value others’ time. I make a point of not being late. If I say I’m going to be somewhere, I will be there, and if something comes up beyond my control, I will communicate that to you. I do NOT handle it well when that same courtesy is not afforded to me.
I looked at other queen bed listings to get an idea of what we should sell for and landed on $250. I threw the listing out there, stepped outside for a few minutes, and came back in to three messages. Two were offers, and one was from a woman who had some questions about the bed.
“I feel like we should talk to this woman before accepting an offer because she actually seems serious about wanting it,” I said.
This lady put me through the wringer. She had me pulling the mattress out of storage to take pictures of the tags, asked me multiple questions about the previous owner of our home (I don’t know him), and even wanted to know if a mouse has ever been near the bed.
I told Sean, “This right here is why I don’t bother trying to sell things! I’m going to tell her that if she asks me one more question, I am throwing the bed away, and no one gets it.”
So Sean took the phone from me and took over the Great Bed Interrogation of 2021. 14 questions later (yes, I counted), we landed on $150. I set the listing to pending, and she asked me to change it to sold. “Please don’t sell this out from under me!”
Hiding my address for when I become a big country music star and have stalkers.
I’m sure you know where this is going. She didn’t show up Monday. Or to our rescheduled time Tuesday. Or to our re-rescheduled time Wednesday. When I asked her if she was still planning to come get the bed, she said, “Oh, I bought one from someone else.”
So that was a fun game of twenty million questions for no reason. No problem, I thought. I still had two other offers I could turn to. So I went back to one of the other offers and asked if he was still interested. He was! And he said he’d come pick it up at 9am Thursday. Beautiful! And he was offering $200, so we’d make a little more than the question lady.
But then he was a no show. He didn’t even respond when I asked him if he was still coming.
We did ultimately find a buyer, and she even sent a deposit to show she was serious, but wow. I will never do that again. I talked to 31 people about this damn bed. Yes, I counted.
Anyway, it was a good first week! Here’s to many more adventures 🥂