Quarantine Journal: Week 1

Every time I log on here to write anything, I'm reminded that I have another website - thepunpunk.wordpress.com - and I can't help but think to myself, Why did I think it was so important to reserve this URL?

Anyway, when we first started working from home, Sean suggested I keep an ongoing journal of each day - what we do, how we feel, etc. I thought it was a great idea! And then I forgot about it until I learned that my father in law is doing an awesome photo series of this historic event. So I decided to go ahead and do this journal thing, complete with my own crappy iPhone photos.

We started working from home on Wednesday, March 18th. March 17th is our dating anniversary, so we kicked off the WFH situation with some mai tais and tacos.


Proof that in a few months, I won't be able to blame quarantine for my unmanicured nails

Day 1: Wednesday, March 18th


This was our first day of working from home. I skipped the gym because I had a stiff back, and instead opted for a bike ride around Emerson Point. I went a little over five miles and was LIVID that my Apple Watch didn't document it. (Normally wouldn't care, but Sean and I were in the middle of a competition, and every workout/calorie burned mattered.)

Nothing too crazy happened this day. I made a quiche, thanks to the ladies pictured above, and we had a pretty quiet first day of WFH.

Day 2: Thursday, March 19th


Shit has started to hit the fan. Our company made the tough choice to close all stores at end of business, and there was certainly a ripple effect as we navigated the day. I learned a lot of lessons in PR this day, and we also learned that the dogs don't give a hoot if we're home or not. Carly, pictured above, was up to her usual antics even though I was sitting RIGHT THERE. The disrespect.

I went to the gym in the middle of the afternoon because I had conference calls that conflicted with the times Sean was able to go. It was a really great workout, and then I stopped at Publix in my workout clothes to buy White Claw.

Day 3: Friday, March 20th


We woke up and went to the gym together. There was a new girl, and she shadowed me, which was a mistake because I kept telling her the wrong way to do things because A) I'm not that good at the gym, and B) I am hella distracted right now with everything going on.

When we got home, Sean told me he felt we should stop going to the gym and go into full quarantine. I agreed, even though it made me sad. Working out at home just isn't the same, and this is really our only chance to interact with people.

A few hours later, a government mandate came out shutting down all gyms. I was upset, and then I was super mad. The owner of our gym posted a video letting everyone know he had to shut the doors for a while. Seeing how hard it was for him to film that made me really sad for small businesses and also really angry at everyone who isn't taking this shit seriously.

Like that stupid little punk who said, "If I get corona, I get corona. It isn't going to keep me from partying." A note to you, little punk: I know that you're still in college and don't understand the effect this is having on everyone around you, but try to show a little self awareness/empathy/intelligence/common sense/humanity...am I missing any words?

People are losing their jobs. People are dying. And you're a part of the problem. STAY HOME.

Anyway, I got really sad/angry and decided to have a drink. I finished watching The Outsider. Super good if you're into sci-fi. Just ok if you're not. (Drinking alcohol while you watch it helps.)

I tried to go in the pool once I was done with my work for the day, but it was freezing. So instead, I came inside with my White Claw and just...kept drinking? And Sean joined me.

We made shrimp quesadillas and FaceTimed my sister so we could see her kiddos. (God bless that fam - they're in full-on ROM, which I learned means restriction of movement. Can't even go to a damn park or go for a walk outside.)

Then we tried to FaceTime my brother and his wife, but they didn't answer because they're losers. (Just kidding. Love you guys. Also, you're pretty smart for not answering because we were kinda drunk.)

Day 4: Saturday, March 21st


I don't think I've ever shared this many Instagram Stories or tweets. Quarantine life has me all over social media, my friends.

Sean and I spent the day planting some vegetables. Sean joked that we should get a bunker and go off the grid for a while, and then we started planting our own food, so I don't really know if he was kidding or not?

Anyway, that afternoon we decided to go for a run. (Accidentally typed "fun" at first. It was not fun.) I had really bad allergies, so I only made it about a mile before turning back. As I turned down our street, two dogs came running at me, so I loved on them for a while, and the kid who was walking them said, "This one's my dog, but this other one...I don't know who he belongs to?"

So I told him to take his dog home, and I would help the other dog, but he insisted on working together to find the dog's owner. This is the same kid who ate it on his scooter a few weeks ago (and I didn't stop to help him because I was laughing too hard), so I felt like I should help him as a way of cleansing my cold, dark soul.

Kid: I'll run in and grab a ball so we can throw it to get this dog to follow us!

Me: Why don't you just bring a leash out, and we can take him home that way?

Kid: Oh. Yeah. Ok.

Crushing dreams already.

Anyway, he came back out with a leash, but we couldn't wrangle the lost dog, so I eventually gave up. (I'm sorry! I was having a sneezing fit and was not in any shape to chase a dog down.) Luckily, Sean came down the street just a little bit later and managed to return the lost dog to its home.

That night, we watched Guy's Grocery Games and got inspired to create a vodka pasta from stuff we had in the pantry.

Day 5: Sunday, March 22nd


A very productive day! We kicked off the morning with a workout our gym posted, and then we finished putting together our garden so we can transfer the seedlings when they're ready.

We also started a new series, Tiger King, on Netflix. A former coworker's name popped up in the first episode, so I sent her a photo, which led to a lovely conversation with someone I haven't seen in a couple years.

We made Beyond burgers with smashed avocado for lunch and avocado toast for dinner. I learned how to poach an egg! Kind of! The yolk didn't quite get wrapped in the egg white like it was supposed to, but it was still tasty.

Day 6: Monday, March 23rd


Don't mind my gross mat. Note to self: always buy black.

Back to work [from home.] I panicked a little bit today and ended up running to Publix to stock up on some more food. Our Purple Carrot delivery was canceled, and I thought we were going to be put on lockdown at any minute. (Silly me. We have Trump Jr. for a governor.)

My cashier was sweating and blowing her nose and barely had the strength to ring up my groceries. I asked her if she was ok, and she said, "No."

It makes me really sad that people are losing their jobs, having to close their doors, being forced to work while visibly ill for fear of losing their jobs...this whole situation is just awful. And it's only going to get worse if we don't take action. I don't want to go to a negative place, so I'll just leave it at this: I don't understand why we're closing things down in phases. First events with 50+ people, then restaurants and bars, then gyms, then beaches, then parks. Why are we drawing this out? Shut it all down. Let's just get this the hell over with.

Anyway, when I got home from Publix, we went for a ride around the island to scope out a good sunset-watching spot and then came home to finish the work day. After work, we did another virtual workout, which Carly supervised (AKA enjoyed playing with my leg weights).

Then we had smoothies for dinner and watched Slippery Slide and Jelle's Marble Runs because apparently these are sports now.

Day 7: Tuesday, March 24th


I did not sleep last night.

I sat there for a while with my eyes closed, willing myself to fall asleep, but it just was not happening. I had a bad feeling about our financial situation and decided the only way I'd get to sleep is if I came up with a plan first. So, I did some budgeting at 1 in the morning!

I went through our monthly bills and figured out what was important and what we could live without, and I managed to find quite a bit in savings. Then I figured out how much money we would need to have to get through three months of no income, looked up my car on Kelley Blue Book, and wouldn't you know it? The numbers pretty much matched up.

I ended up falling asleep for a little while, and I felt a lot better when I got up the next day. (By the way, I have no plans of actually selling my car, but having some sort of "option" made me feel better.)

Started the morning off with a conference call and some flatlays. (Busted out the twinkle lights from our wedding to up my game a bit.)

Then Sean and I did our workout, which was actually a pretty fun one. I hit up Publix for the last time, and then we went for a run. I had a nice night swim afterwards to cool off, and even though the pool is still not quite pool-season ready, it was so. refreshing.

Then I called my mom and chatted with her for a bit, which was wonderful because I miss her! We had some tacos and then called it a night.


The WFH Gang


COVID-19 is here.