Shot Girl Summer
Let me get this little disclaimer out of the way: I did not come up with “Shot Girl Summer.” I saw it alllll over the ‘gram, thought, “Ha! That’s funny.” and also, “I wanna have a shot girl summer!” I decided it was an apt title for this blog post, so here we are. Mad props to the originator.
Anyway, I’m fully vaccinated now! Have been for a couple weeks. We celebrated the two-week mark with lunch ✨at a restaurant✨ and an ✨unmasked pool session,✨ and I’ve even been contemplating a ✨mani-pedi.✨
Sean’s form of celebration was a little different than mine.
I’m #TeamPfizer, AKA a three-week-between-doses gal, so I was fully (or, as I like to say, “pfully”) vaccinated pretty quickly, but Sean is a Moderna clown, so I knew we’d be waiting a little bit before he was good to go. “Early May!” he kept saying. Early May.
About a week ago (last Wednesday to be exact), Sean came over to my desk just beaming.
Sean: I just got off the phone with the gym, and we’re officially re-enrolled! We can start signing up for classes. I’m booking Monday-Friday next week.
Me, wide-eyed, mouth agape, absolutely covered in Cheetos dust: Huh? I thought we were waiting until you’re fully vaccinated.
Sean: Next week is May. I’m good.
It’s true. It is May now. You might have thought I was stuck in April, but I actually sent an email to a coworker the other day that said, “As we close out May, I wanted to discuss June...” and she wrote back, “Huh?”
I have no clue what month it is anymore. But I do know that I’m officially back to 5:30am workouts, and it. feels.
Awful. Everything hurts.
Just kidding. It’s great. Here’s a day-by-day recap of my gym vibe.
Day One: Monday
Our grand return was met with a lot of “welcome back” and “where’ve you been” and “we all thought you had moved!” Our response of, “Umm, well, COVID?” was met with:
It was nice to see a lot of familiar faces, as well as some new ones. I was also pleasantly surprised by the board, as all the workouts seemed easy enough.
There was one round called, “The Burnout Round,” and that is the round that Sean and I were assigned to start with. On the plus side, we got it out of the way early rather than having to do it at the end and be filled with dread the whole class.
Here’s a gif describing how day one felt:
Day Two: Tuesday
Burpees AND a run in today’s warmup — what a treat!
Tuesdays and Thursdays are cardio days, so I knew that I was going to have a tough time with this one. With that said, I did not foresee just how difficult it would be. There was a moment during bear crawls that I seriously considered walking out and just giving up on that whole health thing.
Here’s a gif describing how day two felt:
Day Three: Wednesday
This was the first day I had a difficult time getting out of bed. On day one, I told Sean, “Wow! I feel so rested. I didn’t have any trouble getting up!” And he was like, “Yeah, same. But I think it’s just the first day of school effect. We’ll probably have trouble tomorrow or the next day.”
He was right.
I didn’t sleep well at all Tuesday night, partially because I looked over at one point, and Kane was literally SPOONING Sean. He was on his side, and his little arm was on Sean, and I was so jealous because I wanted Kane to spoon ME.
Anyway, between the sulking and overall just not being tired, I had a really hard time falling asleep, and as a result, an almost impossible time waking up Wednesday morning. My pretty new ombre leggings helped.
Anyway, it didn’t help that when we got to the gym, pretty much everything on the board was something I could barely do even while in tip-top shape — chin-ups, slider pikes, renegade rows...
During chin-ups, this super fit girl with perfect hair and not a drop of sweat on her came over and was like, “You can do it! Don’t give up!” and started giving me pointers, and I was like, “Girl. Just go away before I drip all over you with my gross self.”
I got called out three separate times on day three by the trainer. And it’s a large class. Sooo, not my best work.
Here’s a gif describing how day three felt:
Day Four: Thursday (Today)
I left my gloves at home today because I was like, “It’s cardio day! I’m sure we won’t use much equipment.” Wrong.
We walked in, and there were hurdles set up, ropes hanging, balance beams out...I thought, “Huh, I guess they had some type of event or something last night and just haven’t had a chance to clean up.”
Turns out, Thursday is now Obstacle Course Day!
We had to hurdle walls and do 60-second rock climb holds and run through a balancing course. It was insane (and also my highest calorie workout this week!). Kane would have LOVED today’s workout. Jumping, climbing, running — it doesn’t get any better than that!
Here’s a gif describing how day four felt:
I feel like this came across really complain-y, but I’m actually pretty stoked to be back into a routine and moving again. The all-over body pain is starting to go away (or at least dull a bit) too, so that’s a plus.
Shot girl summer, here we come.