Happy Thursday

Oh, hi. Happy Thursday. HAPPY. FREAKIN’. THURSDAY. The HAPPIEST freakin’ Thursday. What a Thursday! Two big things are going down today.

#1: Today is Sean’s last day in isolation. 

It’s the last day that we have to yell to each other from across the house. The last day we have to put on masks any time we come within six feet of each other. The last day we have to take turns going in the pool. The last night Sean has to sleep in our uncomfortable guest room. The last night of Kane being in overprotective mode and not sleeping a wink.

But most importantly, it is the last day that I have to do the dishes.

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The other day, Sean said, “One of the things I’m most excited to do once I’m COVID-free is clean the house,” and I said, “But I just cleaned the house yesterday,” and he made this face:


I’m just not as good at the whole household chore thing as he is.

#2: I just submitted my FINAL credit card payment.

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I have been paying down my credit card debt for SEVEN YEARS. It wasn’t even that much. I was just paying THAT much in interest. Brick by brick. It seriously just would not go away. And the worst part is, it’s not like I even had anything to show for it. Like, “Oh yeah, I have all this debt, but at least that Europe trip was amazing,” or “Yeah, I’m still paying off these credit cards, but at least I have all these puppies.” Nope. The balances were made up of dumb shit I should not have been spending money on. Like clothing I couldn’t afford and iced coffee I could have made at home. 

Anyway, I rolled it all over to one card with 0% APR last year and was making some great progress. I was on track to pay it off by the end of September, but then today when I told Sean how much I had left, he said, “I can give that to you.” And just like that, POOF. Credit card debt gone.

It would have felt really good to do it completely on my own, but not as good as it feels to know it’s done. Man, I love this feeling. Makes me want to shop.

Anyway, happy Thursday, everyone. Hope it’s magical.


Wristy Business


Misadventures in Autocorrect