Wristy Business

It’s been a while since I reminded you all that I broke my wrist, so I’m going to circle back to that.

I’ve been told that you are your most beautiful, confident self in your thirties, so you can imagine my surprise at what transpired at breakfast merely days after my 30th birthday. The waiter approached our table, looked me dead in the eyes (100% looking at me, not Sean) and said, “Would you like more coffee, sir?” I was perplexed, but I also did want more coffee, sir, so I just said, “Yes?” exactly like that, with a question mark on the end. After he walked away, Sean laughed and said it was probably because my left arm was facing out.

It’s true. In the past month, a surplus of dark, long hair had graced my left hand/wrist. Bushels of it! It was literally long enough to stroke. So I decided to do some research google it and learned the most interesting thing about the human body. Mind you, this information is coming directly from a Reddit post and not an actual medical professional. But because spreading misinformation is all the ✨rage✨ these days, I’m going to share this poorly researched fact with you guys.

Did you know that when you keep a body part immobilized for an extended period of time, the muscle will atrophy? (Yes, of course.) And did you know that your body responds by growing hair to keep said body part warm? (What?) Yep! Your body is like, “Oh no! She’s going to get cold! Time to grow a blanket!”

I was equally thankful for my body doing its thing to take care of me and grossed out by my own arm, so I began showing it to everyone and taking a poll. Should I bleach it? Wax it? Shave it?

You know what? I know no one asked for a picture, but I am going to provide one anyway. I’m actually going to drop two here so you can compare my left and right wrists.


Anyway, my cousin and his girlfriend were recently in town, and she’s a nurse, so I shoved my arm in her face and said, “Is this normal?” And she said, “No. Maybe try Nair?” So I tried Nair! And it worked! (For now anyway. I’ll let you know when it starts growing back…)

So yeah, I hope we all learned something today about the human body. And also I hope that we all now remember that I broke my wrist and was very strong through the entire recovery process.


Life Update


Happy Thursday