2019 Scorecard + 2020 Resolutions

Approximately one year ago, I established new year's resolutions for 2019. As the year comes to a close, it's about time we check in on these!

2019: A Scorecard

  1. Keep working out: Check! I've managed to keep this one up, hitting the gym at least four days a week on a regular basis. Pretty sure I had tequila pouring out of my pores on Monday's workout sesh, but hey, the effort was there.

  2. Stop playing Candy Crush: Fail. Oh, well.

  3. PAY OFF YOUR DAMN CREDIT CARDS: Also a fail. But! I am finally in a position where I can confidently say this will be accomplished in the next 12 months. I've got a spreadsheet and everything! I also have the sound of my dying, shriveling ovaries to keep me on track because, let's face it, ya girl ain't getting any younger.

  4. Keep writing: Check! This post will = 15 posts in 2019, which is the same number I did last year. I would have preferred to write more, but hey, I at least didn't go backwards. I also have some ideas to make myself write more in 2020, so stay tuned!

  5. Buy a golf cart: Fail, but this one was really more of a joke. With that said, we are planning to purchase one in January :)

 In 2020, I want to:

  1. Cook more and expand my food horizons: I pretty much make the same three meals when I cook at home, and I'd like to experiment with more vegetarian options that are high in protein + low in carbs. This should also help with #2 because we'll eat out less often.

  2. Finally pay off the credit cards: Making. It. Happen. in 2020. Mark my words.

  3. Write more: I've said this a lot, but I think I need to quantify a goal to make it happen. Let's aim for one blog post per week. (I've said that before, haven't I?)

Cannot even believe that 2020 is just six days away but very much looking forward to putting 2019 behind us. Let's. Effing. Go.


Let's talk about You.


2019 Holiday Card