2019 Holiday Card
It's that time of year again! A digital Christmas card + newsletter, just for you.
Season’s Sneadings!
One day we will smarten up and think to take our Christmas photo in the summer when the chickens are not molting (AKA willing to participate), but 2019 was not that year. (I even made a tutu just for Michelle, but she had no interest in wearing it. I can’t say I blame her – I probably wouldn’t be the happiest gal if I had new feathers poking through my skin for months on end.)
At any rate, here is a photo of some dogs that don’t belong to us, looking oh-so-joyful and rocking some too-small tutus. You don’t get a photo of Sean and me this year because I sat in chicken shit while trying to get the dogs situated, and that kind of got me out of the holiday spirit. Also, there was a Bucs game on while this pic was happening, which means Sean was probably asleep on the couch.
So, let’s get to the update…
We are sad to report that our sweet Bailey passed away in April. I know I was lucky to have as long as I did with him, but it still SUCKS. No other fur child (or human child for that matter) will ever live up to the beaming light that was Bailey. Hug your pups and cherish every moment.
The Hurlburt girls still live with us. We are not at all looking forward to them moving out. (249 days! Just kidding. I couldn’t possibly calculate the days. How am I supposed to know when this is landing in your mailbox?) But seriously, they have been lovely houseguests, but we are ready for their humans to come back from Japan so we can all be reunited and kick it USA style!
The chickens are doing well, even though they didn’t want to participate in the card. (I didn’t even try to get Mildred to be in the photo because that chick is terrifying.) Michelle continues to be a rockstar – lets me pet her whenever I want and comes when I call her (and then runs away when she sees me holding a bright green tutu).
Sean and I still like each other. We’re going on three years (wow!) of marriage and feel like we’re pretty good at it. We’re still pretty codependent and spend every waking moment together, which is ADORABLE, not unhealthy. Still both at Bealls Outlet. Still in our same roles. Still no kids – thanks for not asking. :)
We are still loving Snead Island life. We joined the BYC this year but still haven’t quite checked off the ‘get golf cart’ portion of the To-Do list. 2020 is our year!
Oh, hey, speaking of ‘our year,’ how ‘bout those Gators? We were lucky enough to make it to three games this year – Towson, Auburn and FSU (hahahahaha, suck it, Noles).
That’s all we have to report. 2019 had its ups and downs. 2020, here we come!
Nat, Sean, the Hurlburt Girls, Michelle + Mildred